The Creation of a Process of Forest Conservation Participation of Monks and Communities in Line with the Buddhist Way of Life in Huai Yang Sub-District Municipality, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen Province

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Phra Samuh Boonyarith Mahapuñño (Sriwichai)
Phra Soponphattanabundit
Phramaha Daosayam Vajirapañño
Phramaha Samrong Saññato


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the participation in forest conservation of monks and people according to Buddhist way; 2) to study the process of forest conservation of monks and communities according to the Buddhist way of Huai Yang Sub-District Municipality, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen Province; 3) to study the creation of a participation process in forest conservation of monks and communities in line with the Buddhist way of life in Huai Yang Sub-District Municipality, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen Province. This study was qualitative research carried out by analyzing documents and interviewing a target group of 30 key informants. The obtained data were interpreted by Descriptive Analysis.
The research results were as follows:
1. Participatory forest conservation by having village monks Government agencies and private organizations together in forest conservation based on the benefits that will occur in the future belief and religion Public mind and social crisis with forests and networking with people outside the community, both government and NGOs.
2. The process of building and conserving the monks' forests according to the Buddhist way by playing an important role in the existence of the community as villagers view monks as sacrificing ascetics for the benefit of the people wise man in various academic fields.
3. Process creation Participation in forest conservation of monks and communities in line with Buddhist way of life in Huai Yang Sub-District Municipality, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen Province Monks have conservation and forest planting according to academic principles. Community forests are useful for studying and practicing Dharma, both the government and the Sangha, supporting the power of Bowon (houses, temples, schools), bringing outsiders to educate and organizing a forum with the community, continually.

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How to Cite
(Sriwichai), P. S. B. M. ., Phra Soponphattanabundit, Phramaha Daosayam Vajirapañño, & Saññato, P. S. . (2023). The Creation of a Process of Forest Conservation Participation of Monks and Communities in Line with the Buddhist Way of Life in Huai Yang Sub-District Municipality, Kranuan District, Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 127–140. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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