Sustainable Community Solid Waste Management Model Bases on A New Normal

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Sophon Suwannarat
Kriangsak Soisuwan


The objectives of this research were to study the condition and problems of community solid waste management as well as to develop and assess a sustainable community solid waste management model based on a new normal. Case study in Loei Province The target groups used in the research were stakeholders in community solid waste management at the provincial, district, local level 47 government agencies involved and qualified persons with knowledge and expertise. Research tools are: An interview form for the condition and problems of community solid waste management and an assessment form for sustainable waste management based on a new normal. Case study in Loei Province Analyze data with content analysis.
The research found that:
1. The conditions and problems for community solid waste management were: Loei Province operates as an administrative unit and is assigned to a local administrative organization as an operating unit which has the powers and duties under the law The management is divided into source, middle and destination levels. From the research, the operation of Loei Province has policy problems. Community solid waste management at the source level mid way and destination as well as in the field of supervision
2. Developing a sustainable community solid waste management model based on a new normal Case study in Loei Province. The researcher analyzed the condition and problems of community solid waste management in Loei Province. By using the information obtained in the workshop for brainstorming opinions and approval from experts, consisting of steps. Processes, components, mechanisms and measures to drive policy and management in 3 levels: Entry level with 9 Rs+ 3New principle. Mid-level with the principle of 8Rs + 1New Destination level with 1R+1New principles and monitoring aspects.
3. Assessment of sustainable community solid waste management model based on new way of life Case study in Loei Province. It was found that the overall pattern was appropriate at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.81). In terms of management, it is the most appropriate number one (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.89). In terms of policy and governance, the second most appropriate was followed (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.78).

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How to Cite
Suwannarat, S., & Soisuwan, K. . (2022). Sustainable Community Solid Waste Management Model Bases on A New Normal. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 311–326. Retrieved from
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