The Development of an Innovative Care System for Students in Accordance With the Buddhist Principle of Primary Schools in Chiang Mai Province

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Wassana Jindasawat
Sin Ngamprakhon
Peravat Chaisuk


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current condition of student care and assistance in primary schools in Chiang Mai Province, 2) to develop an innovative system to support students according to Buddhist principles, and 3) to propose an innovative system to support students according to Buddhist principles, using mixed method research. A questionnaire was used, a sample of 302 people, data were analyzed by statistical means, percentage, and standard deviation. An innovation was developed by interviewing 10 key informants and conducting a group discussion of 10 experts, data were analyzed by content analysis.
The results of the research found that:
1. The present condition of working to take care of students in primary schools in Chiang Mai in all 5 aspects, overall were at a high level, sorted in descending order is knowing the students individually, student promotion and development, student screening, student referral, preventing helping and correcting students.
2. The development of innovative student support system based on Buddhist principles for primary schools in Chiang Mai Province in all 5 aspects is knowing the students individually, student screening student promotion and development, preventing helping and correcting students, student referral Based on the four Brahma Vihara principles, teachers are compassionate, compassionate, Mutita, and Upekkha to students with individual student acquaintance activities, student screening activities, activities to promote and develop students, and preventive and remedial activities for students with a more quality student support system.
3. Innovation of student care system by integrating the Brahma Vihara principles, Metta, Karuna, Mutita, Upekkha, linked to the ICARE Model, i.e. I (Innovation), C (Care), A (Action), R (Report), E (Evaluation), consists of activities to promote the development of innovative student care systems. The school’s advisors were able to solve problems effectively.

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How to Cite
Jindasawat, W., Ngamprakhon, S., & Chaisuk, P. . (2022). The Development of an Innovative Care System for Students in Accordance With the Buddhist Principle of Primary Schools in Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 51–62. Retrieved from
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