Development Indicators of Disruptive Leadership for School Administrators under Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Sumrej Nangsekun
Saowanee Sirisooksilp
Kanok-orn Somprach


The objectives of this research were: 1) Study the elements of Disruptive Leadership of school administrators. 2) Examine the Disruptive Leadership model for school administrators. A Mixed-Methods Research design sequential explanatory design. The sample group in this research was administrators and teachers, Office of the Basic Education Commission. By setting the parameters 20:1 for 660 people. The tool used is Semi-structured Interview and a 5-level estimation scale by tool quality. The Alpha coefficient was analyzed using Cronbach's method. From the survey results, the overall questionnaire confidence was 0.975.
Found that:
1. Element weight value Disruptive Leadership the elements have values ranging from 0.929-0.997. The elements with the highest factor loading elements are Persistent. Factor Loading the least, including Lifelong Learning has the weight of the elements in the figure Factor Loading equals 0.929.
2. Education at the Disruptive Leadership level of school administrators Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, it was found that the overall level was
at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.63, S.D. = 0.49). The aspect with the highest mean was Persistent (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.7, S.D. = 0.46). The side with the lowest mean is Creativity (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.55, S.D. = 0.51).

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How to Cite
Nangsekun , S. ., Sirisooksilp, S. ., & Somprach, K.- orn . (2022). Development Indicators of Disruptive Leadership for School Administrators under Office of the Basic Education Commission . Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(3), 249–260. retrieved from
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