Knowledge Management on Social Capital for Strengthening Local Communities with Participation of Civil Society in Pa Miang Subdistrict Municipality Area Doi Saket District Chiang Mai Province

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Winit Pharcharuen
Suriyajaras Techatanminasakul
Sathaporn Saengsupho
Non Naprathansuk


This research aims to 1) Take out the lessons learned from knowledge management on social capital in the development of local communities in the past, 2) analyze social capital that shows the status and potential of the community in the knowledge management of social capital, 3) present a guideline for the development of Pa Miang Subdistrict Municipality and strengthen the participation of local communities. This research was carried out with a qualitative method of research and the Key informants include community leaders, corporate/agency representatives, and 50 residents. Various tools were used to collect data, which includes document data analysis, field survey, observations, interviews, group discussions including organizing of an exchange forum. The data were then analyzed, and content was synthesized according to the studied issues, which are presented in a descriptive form.
The results showed that:
1. Most of the context of Pa Miang Subdistrict Municipality is surrounded by natural resources such as Mae Kuang River Basin, which consists of 6 villages. Their way of life in the watershed area was in various forms. therefore, their social character was multicultural in which the local community has the following important social capital, such as (1) individual capital (2) learning resource fund, community organization (3) agency fund, network partners (4) cultural and local wisdom capital (5) natural resource and environment capital (6) Self-managed community grants. As a result, communities have to learn, adapt, and be able to survive in the midst of development and change.
2. The Social capital and potential of local communities in Pa Miang Subdistrict Municipality are characterized by natural resources, which are a source of learning and have a variety of lifestyles, that can indicate stability on a personal level with good integration and coordination with all sectors.
3. The result of the potential synthesis of social capital in the area using SWOT Analysis techniques led to the preparation of Pa Miang Subdistrict Municipality’s development strategy to strengthen the participation of the civil society in the local communities which consists of 4 strategies as follows: 1: Sustainable Resource Management, based on local culture 2: Cultural heritage, customs, traditions and wisdom. 3: Sufficiency, balance, and sustainable development of community economy 4: Building a learning society and well-being. This strategy is called PA MIANG Model, which is a strategy that experts and communities have assessed and certified through a community forum.

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How to Cite
Pharcharuen, W., Techatanminasakul, S. ., Saengsupho , S. ., & Naprathansuk, N. . (2022). Knowledge Management on Social Capital for Strengthening Local Communities with Participation of Civil Society in Pa Miang Subdistrict Municipality Area Doi Saket District Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 1–20. Retrieved from
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