The Development of Teacher Followership Indicators in Secondary Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission in the North-Eastern Region of Thailand

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Phimpaphat Kaewdee
Akkaluck Pheasa
Waro Pengsawat


The objectives of this study were 1) to develop the indicator of teacher’s followership in secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) in the North-eastern region of Thailand, 2) to examine the congruence of the developed structural model teacher’s followership indicators in secondary schools under OBEC in the North-eastern region of Thailand with empirical data and 3) to develop a manual handbook using as a reference of teacher’s followership indicators for secondary schools. The study was conducted by mixed methods and was divided into 3 phases.The first phase: to develop conceptual framework and indicators by analyzing relevant documents and researches, interviewing senior experts and conducting case studies; the second phase was the examination of the author’s research hypothesis with empirical data by seeking the inputs from 600 school administrators and teachers working in secondary schoolsunder the OBEC in the North-eastern region of Thailand. The research tool was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. The data analysis was conducted within statistics software the user manual on the developed teacher’s followership indicators was created and examined by experts in the third phase.
The findings are as follows:
1. The teacher’s followership indicators consist of 6 main components, 25 sub-components and 118 indicators, which can be classified as, 22 indicators on responsibility, 13 indicators on self-development, 20 indicators on critical thinking, 21 indicators on human relations, 20 indicators on team work and 22 indicators on courage.
2. The developed structural model of teacher’s followership indicators in secondary schools under OBEC in the North-eastern region of Thailand shows the congruence with empirical data, with chi-square = 40.67, df = 42, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.96 and RMSEA = 0.00, which are all in conformity with the hypothesis.
3. The overall appropriateness of the manual book for teacher’s followership indicator in secondary schools is at the high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.50 S.D. = 0.32).

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How to Cite
Kaewdee, P., Pheasa , A. ., & Pengsawat, W. . (2022). The Development of Teacher Followership Indicators in Secondary Schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission in the North-Eastern Region of Thailand. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 337–348. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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