Integrating Buddhist Principles and Activities to Promote Health and disease Prevention Depression of the Elderly in Chiang Mai Province

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Phramaha Boonna Thanaveero
Phramaha Chatchai Suchattajayo
Phra Athiwat Rattavanno
Pradit Kammungkun
Wandee Boonlom


The purposes of this research were: 1) to examine condition of dharma principles and Buddhist activities. To promote health and prevent depression of the elderly in Chiang Mai, 2) to examine condition integrate Buddhist principles and activities for health promotion and prevention of depression in the elderly in Chiang Mai It is a mixed research method. Both quantitative research and qualitative research the samples used in the research by specific sampling method by choosing a specific study is. Sangha governing Mae Sa sub-district Abbot of Mae Saluang Temple and monks, preachers of the School for the Elderly, Mae Sa Sub-district, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province by using the interview form together with group conversations It is a tool for collecting information. As for the quantitative data, 85 questionnaires were collected and qualitative data were collected to coordinate for in-depth interview appointments. In the quantitative data, computer statistical analysis was used to find the percentage, mean and standard deviation and qualitative data using descriptive analysis methods.
The results revealed that:
1. Most of the elderly people in the community did not have depression. Schools for the elderly were promoted by joint network partners, namely the Sub-District Administrative Organization, the Sangha and the Tambon Health Promoting Hospital and preliminary ordinance training activities for the elderly it helps to improve health and prevent depressive symptoms of the elderly in.
2. Integrating Dharma principles. They do not fall in love with materialism in the era of globalization and can alleviate depression through Buddhist activities, namely meditation, which is Samatha meditation by practicing meditation to suppress all defilements and feelings and introspection through ariyas, standing, walking, sitting and lying, suitable for the elderly Research Recommendations Sangha administrators should pay more attention to the promotion and development of the elderly. And the community should work together to develop a plan for the development of the elderly in the community. for continuous care for the elderly by using dharma principles and Buddhist activities to enhance health and prevent depression in the elderly.

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How to Cite
Thanaveero, P. B., Phramaha Chatchai Suchattajayo, Phra Athiwat Rattavanno, Kammungkun, P. ., & Boonlom, W. . (2022). Integrating Buddhist Principles and Activities to Promote Health and disease Prevention Depression of the Elderly in Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 261–272. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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