Educational Technology Management of High-altitude Schools in the Wilderness be under the Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office 5

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Anirut Laojai
Nat Rattanasirinichakun


The research aims to study the conditions and approaches for the administration of educational technology at high-altitude schools in the wilderness that be under the Chiang Mai primary education service area office 5 that study the conditions and guidelines for technology administration by the research methodology consisted of 2 steps namely 1) study the administration conditions of educational technology by the sample were high-altitude school administrators of 56 people and data analysis tools as questionnaire about the state of educational technology administration by the data analysis was done using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and 2) study the guidelines for technology administration that by interviewing the expert of 10 people and the research tools were interview form on the administration of technology in high-altitude schools in the wilderness by data analysis was used to analyze content methods.
The research results were as follows:
1. The educational technology administration conditions of high-altitude schools in the wilderness be under the Chiang Mai primary education service area office 5 which showed that overall was very high and while considering the individuals found that all sides were very high level by the highest averages were policy formulation and education technology plans, the second was the development of educational technology personnel, and the lowest average were supervision, monitoring and assessment of educational technology performance.
2. The educational technology administration guidelines for high-altitude schools in the wilderness be under the Chiang Mai primary education service area office 5 were found that 1) The policy formulation and education technology plans which were school administrators should provide policy formulation and development educational technology plans by provide basic technology facilities for the effective of learning management. 2) The personnel development in educational technology which were school administrators should provide to personnel development in technology. 3) The development and using of media, innovation, educational technology which were school administrators should encourage teachers to develop in innovative media, and technology of learning management appropriately and 4) in supervision, monitoring and evaluating the performance of educational technology which were school administrators should have supervision, monitoring and evaluation plan and established on an ongoing and appropriate basis.

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How to Cite
Laojai, A., & Rattanasirinichakun, N. . (2023). Educational Technology Management of High-altitude Schools in the Wilderness be under the Chiang Mai Primary Education Service Area Office 5. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 99–110. Retrieved from
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