Attributes of the Modern Local Politician and the Local Electoral Behavior of Voters
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The purpose of this study 1) to study the level of the attributes of modern local politicians and decision-making local electoral of voters 2) to study the relationship between the attributes of modern local politicians and decision-making local electoral of voters 3) to study the attributes of modern local politicians that effect to decision-making local electoral of voters and 4) to find out the suggestions for the attributes of modern local politicians that relationshipto decision making on local electoral of voters. This research approach of mixed methods research was applied by combining the quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was conducted by studying 400 samples, this sample derived from the Gay and Airasian and the samples were selected by Stratified Random Sampling. The tools used to collect data was five level rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze data included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The qualitative method was conducted by interviewing from the target group of 9, selected purposively from the local electoral experts. The data were analyzed by using content analysis.
The research results were show as follows:
1. The attributes of modern local politicians were at the highest level. The aspect with the highest mean wastransformational leadership, followed by innovation leaders and the least was the visionary.
2. The overall decision-making local electoral of voters were at the highest level. The aspect with the highest mean was the applicant's personal image, followed by family/kinship/network, and the least was environmental factors.
3. The attributes of modern local politicians and there were a positive correlation with decision-making local electoral of voters, at the moderate level, r = 0.679 was statistically significant at the .01 level.
4. The influence test of the attributes of modern local politicians revealed that was four variables that influenced the decision-making local electoral. At the statistical significance level of 0.05, in order of transformational leaders. Innovative Leader, Servant and Multicultural Coordinator.
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