The Relationship betweenthe Local Cultureand the Local Electoral

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Phorntep Kosiworawut


The purpose of this study 1) to study the level of the relationship between local culture and local electoral vote 2) to study the relationship between the local culture and the local electoral vote 3) to study the local culture that effect to the local electoral vote 4) to find out the suggestions in which local culture for presented to the executives and related parties for the local elections development. This research approaches of mixed methods research was applied by combining the quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method was conducted by studying 400samples, from the permanent secretary of the local administrative organization and voters of Mueang Khon Kaen District, this sample derived from Taro Yamane. For the qualitative method was conducted by interviewing from 18 the secretary of the local administrative organization, selected by purposive sampling. The tool used to collect data was questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze data included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the hypothesis test by the correlation analyzing and multiple regressions. The qualitative method was conducted by interview form, from 18 the secretaries of the local administrative organization. The data were analyzed by using content analysis.
The research results were show as follows:
1. The local culture was at the highest level. The aspect with the highest mean was the rights and liberties of individuals, followed by the principle of equality and the least was the majority votes.
2. The overall local electoral vote was at the highest level. The aspect with the highest mean was go to the polls, followed by cast a ballot, and the least was the timing of voting decisions in election.
3. The local culture were a positive correlation with the local electoral vote, r = 0.679 was statistically significant at the .01 level, the regression analysis found that the rights and liberties of individuals, the principle of equality, the principle of consent, the principles of sovereignty and the principles of majority that influenced to the local electoral vote. As consistent with hypothesis.

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How to Cite
Kosiworawut, P. . (2022). The Relationship betweenthe Local Cultureand the Local Electoral. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(2), 213–228. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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