Causal Factors Correlating to Smoking Initiation of New Smokers: a Rapid Literature Review

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Nopphadol Pimsarn
Panida Jongsuksomsakul
Kriangkrai Satjaharuthai


The rapid review literature research aimed to collect and analyze the causal factors related to smoking initiation of new smokers who was a teenager group with aged between 19 to 24 years. The literature review both domestic and international publications with a research method through the rapid literature review. These literatures were searched from the international electronic database, named PubMed and from the electronic database in Thailand, named ThaiJo. Researchers used search terms “Smokers”, “Young Adult”, “Factor” for PubMed and “Factor”, “Cigarette” for ThaiJo. There was a total of 25 literatures which passed the inclusion criteria.
The research results showed that: In Thailand, the most factors associated with smoking initiation among new smokers were friends and sex and followed by other factors such as a good attitude towards smoking, wanting to try, family (both be a role model to teens and be well-behaved) and stress reduction or relaxation, respectively, the most influencing factors with smoking initiation among new smokers were sex, stress reduction and relaxation. Furthermore, a good attitude towards smoking, knowledge about cigarettes, monthly income and friends were correlated, respectively. Moreover, it had found various factors in specific area, based on differences of social context. These factors were important knowledge to drive these campaigns as well as the social innovation development to protect the new smokers of Thailand in the future. In the part of government agencies, private sector and related network partners should design activities, plan and drive operations in accordance with the correlation factors related to smoking initiation among new smokers. In addition to increase participation of the target group in every process was to achieve strong development from the foundation this would create a tangible change and bring into stably and sustainably happened.

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How to Cite
Pimsarn, N. ., Jongsuksomsakul, P., & Satjaharuthai, K. (2023). Causal Factors Correlating to Smoking Initiation of New Smokers: a Rapid Literature Review. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 109–124. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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