Activities Development of 10 National Health Recommendations to Promote Health Literacy of Primary School Students

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Wachiraphorn Khaoloifa
Uraiwan Hanwong


The objectives of this research were to develop activities based on 10 National health recommendations which promote health literacy and to study the result of health literacy after using the activities based on 10 National health recommendations. This study is an action research. A sample of the study selected by cluster sampling method was 368 students studying in grades 1-3 in the second semester of the academic year 2021 at Ban Wang Deang School, Amphur Po Thale, Pichit province. The data were collected by the 10 activities based on 10 national health recommendations that promote health literacy of primary school students, health literacy test and assessment form of self-management skills. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and the T-test posttest the posttest results compared with defined criteria.
The results of the research showed that:
1. The 10 national health recommendations developed by the researchers consisted of 10 activities, 2 hours each, totaling 20 hours which are, 1) Knowing clean, disease-free, 2) Beautiful smile, bright smile, keep taking care, 3) Washing hands correctly can prevent viruses, 4) Eating usefully cannot be harmful to health, 5) Refrain from additions, life is safe, 6) My family loves each other sweetly, 7) Don’t be reckless, far from accidents, 8) Exercise a day, bright mind, 9) Good mood because I'm happy and 10) A livable society, Everyone knows their job. All activities focus on 4 stages which are: 1) Preparation, 2) teamwork, 3) Application, 4) Follow-up. The overview assessment results of the appropriateness of activities was at the high level.
2. Grades 1-3 students who study using ten national health recommendations activities that promote health literacy have a health literacy skill score after class higher than the criteria of 70 percent with statistical significance at the level of .01 and the average of self-management skills was at the high level.

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How to Cite
Khaoloifa, W., & Hanwong , U. . (2022). Activities Development of 10 National Health Recommendations to Promote Health Literacy of Primary School Students. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 22(4), 295–308. Retrieved from
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