The Development of Young farmers Development Policies to Enhance Food Security in the Upper Northern of Thailand

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Pongsakorn Kawichai
Somkit Keawtip
Chalermchai Panyadee
Suriyajaras Techatunminasakul


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the context and development of the agricultural sector to enhance food security in the upper northern and 2) to study the development of young farmers development policies to enhance food security in the upper northern. This is qualitative research collecting secondary data from researching information sources or information that has been presented and disseminated either at the level of organizations or agencies involved in driving the development of new generations of farmers. A study on development during the years 1957-2021. Data analysis uses content and descriptive analysis methods to create conclusions that are synthesized into narrative text based on the phenomena occurring by examining the validity of the data by using a triangular validation method.
The results showed:
1. Context and development of the agricultural sector in the pre-National Economic and Social Development Plan. The development of education system and new agricultural personnel in the establishment of a new generation of farmers in the government sector was born. As a result, education courses and the development of new generations of farmers in educational institutions, namely the Agricultural Teacher Training School,
Agricultural College, and the new generation of farmers in 8 northern provinces, have been created.
2. The development of young farmers development, considered to have been important in the government continuously from about 2007 to the present (2021) further showing that the government has made efforts to solve the shortage of new generation workers in the agricultural sector. Including the development of job creation in rural communities. Which can be divided into sub-issues as follows: 1) The National Economic and Social Development Plan (No.1-3) - promotion of agricultural education for youth, new generation, institutional groups or agricultural organizations; 2) The National Economic and Social Development Plan (No. 4-6) - promoting and supporting education in agriculture and agroindustry; 3) The National Economic and Social Development Plan (No. 7-9) - driving sustainable agriculture/agribusiness and supporting agricultural education institutions and 4) The National Economic and Social Development Plan (No. 10-12) - creating and
developing a new generation of farmers or entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector.

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How to Cite
Kawichai, P. ., Keawtip, S. ., Panyadee , C. ., & Techatunminasakul, S. . (2023). The Development of Young farmers Development Policies to Enhance Food Security in the Upper Northern of Thailand. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(1), 165–180. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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