The Relationship of Meditation with Wisdom in Visuddhimagga

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Phrakittisarausthee (Cherdchai Silasampano)
Phramaha Mit Thitapanyo (Wanyao)


Visuddhimagga explained about the principles of Samaddha Kammatthan and Vipassana Kammatthan. The Scriptureis practices start from the basic level to Nirvana level. It is the explanation about the relationship between Samaddha and ‘Vipassana and Trisikkha’ means ‘Sila or precepts’, ‘Samaddhi or meditation’, and ‘Panya or wisdom’ is followed by a practitioner as a purpose of reaching Sila which is related to Samadhi. Samadhi is also related to Panya. It is the ultimate Buddhist teaching as a fundamental practicing guideline for human development in two areas; 1) physical, and 2) mind quality area that leads to Panya. ‘Panya’ is only mentioned in this current article which is related to Vissanakammatthana for the good quality of life of a person who wishes the true happiness, peace, and prosperity in this life and the next life for the utmost benefit to be free from suffering in this lifetime.

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How to Cite
(Cherdchai Silasampano) , P. ., & Thitapanyo (Wanyao), P. M. . (2023). The Relationship of Meditation with Wisdom in Visuddhimagga. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 301–312. Retrieved from
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