Attitudes of Students Using Open-Ended Problem

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Chanaporn Daopa
Nisakorn Boonsena


 This study aimed to analyze the connection by using students’ “Mathematical Attitudes” in the mathematics classroom using Open-Ended Problem. The target group was thirty-four eleven-grade students in the second 0f semester 2021. The tools used for data collection were 7 learning management plans, a field note, a field record, voice record from application ZOOM and student’s mathematical attitudes survey. Before collecting data the researcher prepared the preparations in 2 phases: Phase 1 prepared teachers and Phase 2 prepared the target students. Data analyzed from protocols, and student’s mathematical attitudes survey.
The results indicated that: 1) creating a learning management plan together designing a research lesson, the lesson study team created with focus of open-ended problem that allow students to approach problems and find their own solutions. 2) In collaboratively observing the research lesson, behavior the student's speech while solving the problem that shows the student's mathematical attitudes include: (1) See and think mathematically, students can understand the problem, defined and specify what the problem needs to be solved. (2) Pose questions and develop explanations, students are introduced to concepts from anticipance’s methods for solving problems, can express their own ideas step by step, questions were raised about the concept. (3) Generalize and extend, such as mock-up drawings Assigning symbols that express their own ideas for solving problems, and (4) appreciate others’ ideas and change representations for meaningful elaborations, when they were exchanging or discussing ideas, students tried to use the ideas of others as a basis for self-understanding. 3) Collaboratively discussing and reflecting, Students have to formulate concepts to solve problems able to communicate and use mathematical language problems in their own order of thinking.

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How to Cite
Daopa, C., & Boonsena, N. . (2023). Attitudes of Students Using Open-Ended Problem. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 273–286. Retrieved from
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