Learning Organization Model of Private Schools under the Office of Education Region 12

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Ekkarach Kositpimanvech
Jiraporn Phansawang


The objectives of the research were; 1) to study the current situations, desired situations and the needs of the learning organization model of private schools under The Office of Education Region 1, 2) to development of the learning organization model of private schools as mentioned, and 3) to evaluate the learning organization model of private schools as mentioned. The samples totally 539 in number and 30 experts to evaluate the learning organization model. The research instrument for collecting the data was the questionnaire with reliability at 0.92and0.91, relating to the current and desirable situations, respectively. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and modified priority needs index (PNImodified).
The results of research were found that:
1. The current situation of the learning organization model of private schools under The Office of Education Region 12, as a whole was found to be at a moderate level. The item that was found to stand on top of the scale was systematic thinking, followed by learning dynamics, team-based learning, aiming for excellence and creativity, respectively. The desired situationwas in an overall aspect, found to prevail at the highest level. The item that was found to stand on top of the scale was team-based learning, followed by aiming for excellence, learning dynamics, creativity and systematic thinking, respectively. The needs were, in an overall dimension, found that the most desirable aspect was creativity, followed by team-based learning, aiming for excellence, learning dynamics and systematic thinking, respectively.
2. The development results of the learning organization model of private schools as mentioned were elements of the model as follows: name of the model, objectives, principles, and 5 main factors: 1) creativity, 2) team-based learning, 3) aiming for excellence, 4) learning dynamics and, 5) systematic thinking.
3. The results of the assessment of the model found that the model was appropriate, possibility and usefulness at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Kositpimanvech, E. ., & Phansawang, J. . (2023). Learning Organization Model of Private Schools under the Office of Education Region 12. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 151–162. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/259501
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