The Guidelines for the Development of Mindfulness of Secondary School Students in Singburi Province

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Phrakrubaidika Natthakit Mahissaro (Anuruktrakoon)
Phramaha Hai Dhammamedhi (Saechua)
Sirirot Namsena


This research has three research objectives: 1) to Study the development of mindfulness for secondary school Students in Singburi Province 2) to study the development of mindfulness for the youth in Theravada Buddhist scriptures 3) to present the process for the development of mindfulness for secondary school Students in Singburi Province. This research is Qualitative Research and Field Research. Key informants used in the research were conducted by in-depth interviews, which educational personnel totaling 21 figures/person. The statistics or methods used for data analysis were descriptive content analysis.
The research results were as follows:
1. The current state of mindfulness development students at secondary school in Singburi Province. This is the implementation of the National Education Act through learning activities and extracurricular activities.
2. The most schools have the same practice of using extracurricular activities in the development of student mindfulness. For example, it is an activity in front of the flagpole, religious activities, and activities for moral camps, etc. Mindfulness development for the youth in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures is to make mindfulness happen, with a focus on the novice who attained enlightenment in the Theravada Buddhist scriptures. It is realization of the goal to creating a stimulus to curiosity and using other methods.
3. The Guidelines for the development of mindfulness among secondary students in Singburi Province. It is a survey of factors that to promote the development of mindfulness of secondary students. It is the creation of Dharma principles to occur for instilling onto teachers and learners. All is based on mind, body, speech and is a learning activity and extracurricular activities. It is an according to the framework is the process of making it a look, the process to listen accomplished, and the process of a thinking skillfully. Whilst assessing the approach to mindfulness development is as possibility, accuracy, suitability, and the benefit at a high level (Mean 4.38).

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How to Cite
(Anuruktrakoon), P. N. M. ., (Saechua), P. H. D., & Namsena, S. . (2023). The Guidelines for the Development of Mindfulness of Secondary School Students in Singburi Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 67–80. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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