Guidelines for Applying Buddhist Principles for the Development of the Students in La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School

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Rungtiwa Santiphontam
Phramaha Hai Dhammamedhi (Saechua)
Sirirot Namsena


This research has three objectives: 1) to study Buddhist principles for youth development, 2) to study the current state of the use of Buddhist principles for the development of students in La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School and 3) to propose guidelines for Applying Buddhist Principles for the Development of the Students in La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School. This research is the qualitative by collecting data from documents, focus group, and interviews with key informants by using content analysis techniques for context.
The research results were as follows:
1. Buddhist principles for youth development are the teachings of the Buddha that he discovered to be a complete human being, both physically and mentally. By Buddhist principles for youth development is for four cultivations 1) Physical development 2) Moral development 3) Cultivation of the heart and 4) Cultivation of wisdom as the main development framework aspects; social, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive. Other Buddhist principles will be a factor that drives each aspect to be appropriate in different contexts.
2. Current events, the using Buddhist principles for student development in La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School is the context of academy courses. Then it is the use of Buddhist principles for student development through student development activities, which is consistent with the 4 cultivations as mentioned above. And the development of students in all aspects must promote additional teachings and learning activities.
3. Guidelines for Applying Buddhist Principles for the Development of the Students in La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School. It is done through teaching and learning activities and student development activities. According to the framework of the four prayers, they are: 1) being able to live together in society, 2) having normal physical and verbal behavior, 3) having a stable mood, and 4) having the knowledge to be able to live in a stable, prosperous, and sustainable society.

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How to Cite
Santiphontam, R., Dhammamedhi (Saechua) , P. H. ., & Namsena, S. . (2023). Guidelines for Applying Buddhist Principles for the Development of the Students in La Salle Chotiravi Nakhonsawan School. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 225–236. Retrieved from
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