The Development of Political Awakening in a Democracy of People in the sub-district Administrative Organization in Phetchaburi Province

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Anucha Bhalakula
Phra Samu Arkom Arkamatheero
Pakron Netkum


The purposes of this research were to study 1) general conditions, problems and obstacles, 2) factors affecting political arousal, and 3) patterns of political arousal development. The study used integrated research methodology including qualitative method with 15 key informants, and quantitative method with samples of 304 people. Data analysis tools include descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation statistics, inference statistics, data layout and context.
The results were found that:
1. General conditions, problems and obstacles were the social aspects by participating in discussions on creative political issues. The economic issues, for instant, community members are interested in local policies, and the political influence issue may harm political opponents and hidden interest groups that shows political behavior in the local area (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.82, S.D. = 0.640).
2. Factors that affect political arousal include having faith in democracy, for example, Thai society must believe in this regime, because it is a natural and legal right regarding respect for the majority vote but not violating the rights of the minority. In terms of justice, people must respect the rules without prejudice. Most of the benefits seize the common interests of the local community and political participation. All forms of local activity tracking Pearson correlation statistics and simple linear regression analysis (X1) (X2) (X3) (X4) (X5), factors that affected political awakening (Y) and the development of political awakening have a relationship in the same direction.
3. The development of political arousal, i.e. confidence in democracy must promote political awakening the exercise of voting rights, people must go every time and every level political communication and must communicate a variety of all local political groups. The desire to participate in politics attending local and national political speeches and legal compliance, and social organization to live together peacefully must be protected by law (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.71, S.D. = .665).

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How to Cite
Bhalakula, A., Arkamatheero , P. S. A. ., & Netkum, P. . (2023). The Development of Political Awakening in a Democracy of People in the sub-district Administrative Organization in Phetchaburi Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 177–190. Retrieved from
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