Cultural Relations in Political Science for the Development of Democracy in Thai Society

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Phrakhru Winaithorn Worrachat Thasa
Phramaha Thainoi Yanamethi (Salangsing)
Phra Silasak Sumato (Buntong


This academic article aimed to present the principles of thought, relationship between Political Science, Political Culture and human rights for democratic development. The results of the study revealed that the concept of Political Science and Political culture relates to the activities of the state and the community. There are also influences of social factors, such as, culture will directly affect the behavior of people in society. Therefore, in order to understand the characteristics of man in society. It is necessary to understand behavior problems or phenomena that are important to joint activities related to state that affect most people in society. Its including beliefs values under democracy to build confidence and promote participation in Political activities with a participatory relationship between the state and society. It can be considered, therefore, that the relationship between Political Science principles and culture for the development of democracy can be developed together, and it is also the civilization of society according to the principles of democracy at more of international level. Further development of the quality of democracy to be strong.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Winaithorn Worrachat Thasa, Yanamethi (Salangsing), P. T. ., & Sumato (Buntong, P. S. . (2023). Cultural Relations in Political Science for the Development of Democracy in Thai Society. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 283–300. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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