Is Nong Khai Properly Prepared for Chinese Tourists Arriving on the Lao-China Railway Link? The Research is a Study of Signs at Tourist Spots of Cutural Interest in Nong Khai Province

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Watcharapon Sirisuwilai
Wittika Thangchan
Prateep Chouykerd
Wuttichai Sawangsang
Prima Tantiparnitteerakul


The purposes of this research are: 1) To survey Chinese text signs in Nong Khai’s cultural Tourist attractions and 2) To evaluate the quality of language on the text signs by using the quantitative and qualitative method. The documentary research method is used as the research methodology. The data was collected by surveying the text signs in 25 of Nong Khai’s tourist attractions and relevant private and government organizations in 4 districts; Muang District, Tha Bo District, Sri Chiang Mai District and Sang Khom, to analyze and evaluate the readiness of Chinese text signs for Chinese tourists traveling to Nong Khai on the Lao-China railway.
The research results find that:
1. The total of 292 texts signs for tourists in 25 of Nong Khai’s Cultural tourist attractions were divided into 3 categories; tourist information signs, compliance and guideline signs and prohibition signs. There were only 27 text signs containing the Chinese language accounting for 9.25 percent. The proportion of Thai and Chinese text signs indicated that Chinese text signs were still very low in number and not enough to service Chinese tourists who will visit Nong Khai through the Lao-China railway. The distribution of the frequency of Chinese text signs shows that most of the Chinese text signs are still concentrated in only some attractions in the Muang district.
2. Based on an evaluation of the accuracy of Chinese on the text signs, it was found that 5 signs contained 27 errors. The errors can be divided into 2 types; 1) the errors which affect the correctness of information for tourists including mistranslation, over translation, and under translation 2) the errors which affect clear and effective communication with tourists including proper word choice selection and structural and grammatical errors. Moreover, there are some cases, which can affect tourist understanding such as mixed use of traditional and simplified Chinese characters, and the variety of word use with the same meaning in different locations.

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How to Cite
Sirisuwilai, W., Thangchan, W. ., Chouykerd, P. ., Sawangsang, W. ., & Tantiparnitteerakul , P. . (2023). Is Nong Khai Properly Prepared for Chinese Tourists Arriving on the Lao-China Railway Link? The Research is a Study of Signs at Tourist Spots of Cutural Interest in Nong Khai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(2), 191–208. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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