A Study of Components of a Teacher Development System to Strengthen Morality and Ethics of Secondary School Students under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Puttipong Sanguannam
Karn Ruangmontri


The purpose of this research was to study the components and indicators of the school administration system to strengthen morality high school student ethics the process was carried out in three steps: 1) analyzing, synthesizing, documents and relevant research to determine the components in a Study of Elements and Indicators of Teacher Development System o strengthen morality and ethics of secondary school students under the office of the Basic Education Commission. 2) Create an indicator or subvariable of teacher development system system elements to strengthen morality and ethics of secondary school students under the Office of the Basic Education Commission in each area then set the appropriateness of the element in the form of questionnaire estimation (rating scale) 5 levels and 3) verification (Confirmatory) the suitability of the composition of the 7 experts by determining the components of the school administration system to strengthen morality high school student ethics.
The results showed that: The results showed that: components of the teacher development system to strengthen morality and ethics of secondary school students under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, there are 1. Main components Input side consists of 4 sub-components 2. Process side consists of 7 sub-elements 3. Output side consists of 5 sub-elements 4. Outcome side consists of 1 sub-element the results showed that components of the teacher development system to strengthen morality and ethics of secondary school students under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, there are 1. Main components Input side consists of 4 sub-components 2. Process side consists of 7 sub-elements 3. Output side consists of 5 sub-elements 4. Outcome side consists of 1 sub-elementhe feedback side consists of 2 sub-components.

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How to Cite
Sanguannam, P., & Ruangmontri, K. . (2023). A Study of Components of a Teacher Development System to Strengthen Morality and Ethics of Secondary School Students under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 161–172. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/261552
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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