Impact of the Mining and Limestone Quarrying Project for the Construction Industry: A Case Study of Tambon Chorakhe Samphan, Amphoe U Thong, Suphan Buri Province

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Suebphong Suksom


The objectives of this research were: 1) Study the impact of the mining and limestone quarrying project for the construction industry on the economic, social, and environmental aspects in Tambon Chorakhe Samphan, Amphoe U Thong, Suphan Buri Province. 2) Investigate the factors affecting natural resources and the environment. 3) Evaluate the project's compliance with the laws and government regulations. This qualitative research utilized in-depth interviews with key informants from three groups: Group 1, consisting of executives or representatives from central government agencies (5 organizations, 5 individuals); Group 2, consisting of executives or representatives from the mining and limestone quarrying project for the construction industry (5 organizations, 5 individuals); and Group 3, comprising stakeholders of the project (5 groups, 15 individuals), totaling 25 key informants.
The research findings are as follows:
1. This project is economically significant, generating income and promoting economic growth within the country. It also provides local employment opportunities. However, it has environmental consequences, causing air pollution and vibrations affecting historical sites in U Thong, Suphan Buri.
2. The project has adverse impacts on natural resources and the environment, particularly due to the proximity of the stone mill to Phumuenang Wildlife Sanctuary in U Thong, Suphan Buri. This affects tourism and the suitability of land for agriculture. It also impacts the livestock of local farmers who feed on grass contaminated with dust.
3. The project does not adhere to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) standards but is structured to meet only the legal requirements and government announcements.

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How to Cite
Suksom, S. (2023). Impact of the Mining and Limestone Quarrying Project for the Construction Industry: A Case Study of Tambon Chorakhe Samphan, Amphoe U Thong, Suphan Buri Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 119–132. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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