Sustainable Community Development for Supporting Natural and Cultural Based Tourism in Chaiya Phum Province

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Chayaporn Sukprasert
Panya Klaydesh


The objectives of this research Plan were 1) to study the potential of tourist sites, 2) to develop tourist routes and activities, and 3) to develop communities for supporting tourism along natural and cultural tourist routes in Chaiya Phum Province. This research was mixed methods as Documentary, Survey, Qualitative, Quantitative and Participatory Action research in carrying out community development activities to support natural and cultural tourist routes. The samples were 800 people by using of questionnaires, the key informants were 110 expert persons by using of in-depth interview forms and conducting community development activities in the Ban Lad Wang Muang community area Nong Bua Daeng District Chaiya Phum Province to develop an area for supporting natural and cultural tourist routes.
The result found that:
1. Natural tourist sites in Chaiya Phum as: 1) Tat Ton National Park 2) Phu Laen Kha National Park 3) Sai Thong National Park and 4) Pa Hin Ngam National Park have potential in highest level. Cultural tourist sites in Chaiya Phum as: Wat Chaiyaphum Phithak (Pha Koeng) and Phra That Chaiyaphum have potential in highest level. Chao Pho Phaya Lae Shrine, Dvaravati Buddha Image of Wat Khon Sawan and Phra Chao Ong Tue (Phu Phra) Wat Sila At have potential in highest level. Thai National History Museum (Swan Boat) of Wat Phaya Lae and Prang Ku have potential in middle level.
2. There are 6 developed natural and cultural tourist routes: 1) a route to pay homage to sacred objects and visit historical sites 2) a route to admire nature on the Phu Laen Kha mountain range 3) a route for sightseeing, paying homage and shopping 4) a route for sightseeing in national parks 5) the route from South to North and 6) the route from West to East. Natural and cultural tourist activities included: 1) paying homage to Buddhist Places 2) paying homage to monuments 3) admiring historical sites 4) traveling, playing and admiring nature and 5) sleeping in a joyful atmosphere.
3. To develop Ban Lad Wang Muang community in Nong Bua Daeng District and develop community products called “Tung Sai” “Tung Yai Maeng Mum” and “Tung Phuang Raya” and develop woven fabric patterns to be unique in Nong Bua Daeng District to support the natural and cultural tourist routes that have been developed which is a network for exchanging knowledge between communities, society, linking and promoting each other to have further development of knowledge in various fields continued to be sustainable.

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How to Cite
Chayaporn Sukprasert, & Klaydesh, P. (2024). Sustainable Community Development for Supporting Natural and Cultural Based Tourism in Chaiya Phum Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 77–92. Retrieved from
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