Personnel Development Maintains Security by Implementing the Quality Management Cycle in Organization (PDCA) Practice
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The purpose of this research is as follows: 1) to study and understand the issues of personnel development and safety management by examining and comprehending the quality management cycle within the organization, 2) to investigate and analyze the potential for personnel development and safety management using the Quality Management Cycle (PDCA) as a practical tool, 3) to propose guidelines for personnel development and safety management by incorporating the Quality Management Cycle (PDCA) into organizational practices. This involves using data from in-depth interviews and group discussions. The main data sources are divided into three groups. 1) Safety management department managers (5 participants). 2) Personnel related to personnel development and safety management (10 participants). 3) Customers utilizing safety management services (3 participants). With each group containing 10 participants, the total number of participants is 40. This research employs qualitative research techniques, including in-depth interviews and group discussions, to gather and analyze data for a qualitative comparative study.
The research findings include:
1. The problem in personnel development for safety management arises from a lack of understanding of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) principles in organizational management, leading to inadequate adherence to safety and efficiency protocols.
2. The analysis of potential in personnel development for safety management utilizes the PDCA cycle: Planning involves setting goals for enhancing safety-oriented knowledge and skills, while Action involves implementing activities according to the plan, such as training programs and creating learning resources. Checking evaluates the outcomes to determine goal achievement and Act involves improvements to future plans or training programs.
3. Strategies for personnel development in safety management involve utilizing PDCA. Training employs safety-related equipment, skill development for emergency response, and team-building activities to enhance safe work practices.
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