The Need Assessment of an Open-Based Creative Learning Environments Model to Promote the Creativity of Undergraduate Student

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Yongyuth Mungmai
Tanadol Phuseerit
Suttipomg Hoksuwan


This research the objectives are 1) analyze and synthesize elements of an open, creative learning environment as a foundation to foster creativity of undergraduate students, 2) study the current conditions and needs of creative open learning environments as a basis for enhancing the creativity of undergraduate students, It is a survey research using a multi-stage random sampling method (Multi-Stage Simple Random). The sample group is 1) Teachers who teach students state university undergraduate students at Supervised universities and private universities in Thailand in the group of faculties and subjects related to Communication Design, totaling 27 people. 2) Undergraduate students in public universities. The study consisted of 55 students in the group of faculties and subjects related to communication arts design. The research was divided into 2 steps: 1) to study the current situation and the need for a creative-based open learning environment to promote the creativity of undergraduate students and 2) to assess the need for a creative-based open learning environment. This was to promote the creativity of undergraduate students using an improved priority need index (PNI modified). The instrument used was a questionnaire on current conditions and needs. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Improved Priority need index (PNI modified).
The results showed that:
1. The components of the creative open learning environment as a foundation for promoting creativity of undergraduate students were found to have 6 components: (1) principles and concepts (2) objectives (3) creative process. 4) Creative Open Learning Environment (5) Context (6) Assessment.
2. The overall current condition was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.33, S.D. = 0.49) 3). The overall needs and needs were at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.75, S.D. = 0.45). The overall needs index was found to be PNI modified = 0.19. When considering each side, it was found that the Mental environment had the highest score (PNI modified = 0.43) and Followed by Information Environment (PNI modified = 0.33) Social Environment (PNI modified = 0.23) Learner Environment (PNI modified = 0.11) Process Environment (PNI modified = 0.10) Physical Environment (PNI modified = 0.09) and teaching environment had the lowest PNI modified (PNI modified = 0.00), respectively.

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How to Cite
Mungmai, Y., Phuseerit, T. ., & Hoksuwan, S. . (2023). The Need Assessment of an Open-Based Creative Learning Environments Model to Promote the Creativity of Undergraduate Student. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 233–244. Retrieved from
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