The Guidelines for Promoting Happy School Affiliated with Nonthaburi’s Large Secondary School

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Warunya Sattasut
Wallapa Chalermvongsavej


The purposes of this research were 1) study current conditions, desirable conditions, and happy school needs; and 2) present The Guidelines for Happy Workplace Development of Extra Large Secondary School under the Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office. population, namely teachers and educational personnel, the participants were 195. Mixed Method Research The research instrument used includes 5 rating scales and 40 item questionnaires with 8 aspects concerning a happy workplace consisting of Happy body, Happy Heart, Happy Relax, Happy Brain, Happy Soul, Happy Money, Happy Family, and Happy Society. The statistics for analyzing the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified).
The result showed that:
1. The result showed that the highest PNI modified for Happy Workplace Development of Extra Large Secondary School under the Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office was Happy Body (PNI modified = 0.437), followed by Happy Family, Happy Society, Happy Brain, Happy Relax, Happy Money, Happy Heart, and Happy Soul. Need Assessment PNI modified with 0.428, 0.415, 0.386, 0.384, 0.382, 0.345, and 0.311, respectively.
2. The Guidelines for Happy Workplace Development of Extra Large Secondary School under the Nonthaburi Secondary Educational Service Area Office consisted of 35 guidelines: 1. Happy Body (5 guidelines), 2. Happy Heart (4 guidelines), 3. Happy Relax (5 guidelines), 4. Happy Brain (3 guidelines), 5. Happy Soul (4 guidelines), 6. Happy Money (5 guidelines), 7. Happy Family (5 guidelines), and 8. Happy Society (5 guidelines),

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How to Cite
Sattasut, W., & Chalermvongsavej, W. (2023). The Guidelines for Promoting Happy School Affiliated with Nonthaburi’s Large Secondary School. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 1–16. Retrieved from
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