Executive Training Program for Local Leaders: Learning to Local Development of Leaders in Chaiyaphum Province

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Panya Klaydesh
Phramaha Withun Sitthimethi


The purposes of this research were; 1) to study political culture type for behavior development, 2) to develop the new political idea, 3) to develop the moral and social responsibility, 4) to develop the peaceful society and 5) to develop the desirable local leadership curriculum of local leaders in Chaiya Phum province. This research program was mixed methods as Qualitative, Quantitative and Action research. The sample group was 1200 people by using of questionnaires, the key informants were 190 expert persons by using of in-depth interview forms, and to conduct 2 focus group discussions and 100 local leaders were developed by leadership development activity. The data was analyzed by using of statistics as Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation and Chi-Square test and to analyzed qualitative research by using of descriptive analysis.
The result was found that:
1. Political Culture of leaders were in the type of Participative Political Culture and Subjective & Participative Political Culture. There are 3 dimensions of good leaders as self-occupancy, human occupancy and job occupancy. Leaders with different political cultural styles have different political behaviors.
2. The new political idea of good leaders has to support democratic local self-governing in 3 dimensions: 1) political participation, 2) leadership and 3) supporting on community group building and networks.
3. Leaders seek ways to promote justice for society as a whole. Ethics and social responsibility development are an activity organized for leaders to realize their responsibilities to deal with problems and solve the problem correctly.
4. The development of a peaceful society requires 1) monks, 2) local leaders, and 3) village committees, with a focus on regulations and systems. Regulations based on public cooperation.
5. There are 4 courses and 8 learning activities on the development of ideal local leaders to establish a model community for a peaceful and democratic society. Cultivate local development concepts for leaders.

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How to Cite
Klaydesh, P., Phrasrisachayanamuni, & Phramaha Withun Sitthimethi. (2024). Executive Training Program for Local Leaders: Learning to Local Development of Leaders in Chaiyaphum Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 51–64. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/265496
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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