Identity Development of Lue Khaja Woven Fabric Patterns at Ban Mae Loi Luang Community, Sri Don Chai Sub-district, Thoeng District, Chiang Rai Province

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Narong Jenjai


This participatory action research was for developing a community identity for Lue Khaja woven fabric patterns at Ban Mae Loi Luang Community, Sri Don Chai Sub-district, Thoeng District, Chiang Rai Province. Data were collected from 30 key informants including the weaving group members, community leaders, weaving experts, and representatives from government and private sectors. The research instruments were in-depth interviews, group discussions, observations, and evaluation form for the different fabric patterns and model. The quantitative data were analyzed for standard deviation and mean. For the qualitative data, content analysis techniques and data classification were used.
The results showed that: Ban Mae Loi Luang Community or the Lue Khaja community are names used to call the people in the community whose culture is mixed between Tai Yuan and Tai Lue ethnic groups. Their lifestyles are guided by their use of cotton clothing, local beliefs, traditions, and rituals. Their community has developed their own unique skills and local wisdom for cotton weaving for a long time. As a result of this participatory action research, the community agreed to use the cotton flowers as the model design for representing their unique identity when producing fabrics using their traditional methods. In addition, it was found that the working group of elderly folks had a difficult time weaving because of visual difficulties and therefore the “Yok Khao technique” was substituted to replace “Jok technique” to make the working process easier for them. In terms of evaluating the satisfaction of the selected model design, the results showed a highest satisfaction level. This result helped to confirm the suitability of design and therefore a useful indicator for future development of cultural woven fabrics in this community.

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How to Cite
Jenjai, N. . (2023). Identity Development of Lue Khaja Woven Fabric Patterns at Ban Mae Loi Luang Community, Sri Don Chai Sub-district, Thoeng District, Chiang Rai Province . Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(4), 187–202. Retrieved from
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