SustainableDevelopment ofCollaboration between Civil Society Organizations and the Government Sector in the Southern Region

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Siriporn Pengjan
Patida Morasilp


The purposes of this research were 1) to explore the driving characteristics of the Southern Civil Society network 2) to study the role of the Southern Civil Society network in helping to create and support public participation in sustainable government management 3) to Model of civil society network for managing sustainable development, The research method survey research and qualitative research, The target population is 1) Thai Community Foundation, 2) Chumphon Civil Society Association, 3) Southern Community Tourism Association, 4) Sea Forest for Life Foundation, and 5) Thai PBS Southern Program Viewers and Listeners Council, 5 groups, members providing information, a total of 62 people.
The research results found that:
1. The driving characteristics of the civil society network reveal that the policy process is a form of the public sector. Characteristics emphasize connections to benefit groups of people, communities, and areas by relying on good relationships with government agencies and focusing on enhancing public participation. There must be a mechanism for creating a participatory process and opening opportunities to drive according to the issues that network members are interested in to move from the provinces to the regional network.
2. The collaboration between civil society organizations and the government sector is at a ‘high’ level and is achieved through (1) encouragement, support, and fulfillment (2) contribution in filling shortcomings, and (3) creation, development, improvement, meaning all five civil society organizations help create and support the sustainable development of collaboration with government agencies.
3. The development of a model for sustainable collaboration between civil society organizations and the government sector in the southern region can be achieved through (1) defining common objectives for the government agencies and civil society organizations, (2) giving opportunities to locals to found civil society organizations addressing their needs, (3) the support and encouragement to civil society organizations to help clarify their objectives, (4) applying objectives to public policy, and (5) alignment of objectives with government agencies on every level, and once they all understand each other, they can understand, trust and propagate their objectives together.

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How to Cite
Pengjan, S., & Morasilp, P. . (2024). SustainableDevelopment ofCollaboration between Civil Society Organizations and the Government Sector in the Southern Region. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 127–146. Retrieved from
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