An Analysis of Boon Song Ku Tradition at Ban Kluay Temple, Suan Chik Sub-District, Si Somdet District, Roi Et Province

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Phra Chaiya Komaro (Chaiya Kaewmafai)
Phrakhru Phawanaphokhun (Somchai Phangmuenwai)
Jaras Leeka


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the philosophical concepts of the Boon Song Ku tradition; 2) to study the Boon Song Ku tradition at Ban Kluay Temple, Suan Chik Sub-district, Si Somdet District, Roi Et Province; 3) to analyze the Boon Song Ku tradition at Ban Kluay Temple. This study was carried out by the means of qualitative research by studying primary, and secondary sources and other relevant research papers. There was a group of 20 key informants. The obtained data were interpreted by descriptive analysis based on the inductive approach.
The research results revealed that:
1. The philosophical principles include the principles of Buddhist ethics, which judge actions as good, bad, appropriate, or inappropriate through a method based on karmic principles that emphasize intention. They also use a pragmatic approach, where goodness, badness, and various values arising for oneself and society through practical way.
2. The tradition of the "Boon Song Ku Wat Ban Kluay" festival reveals that this location houses the head of an ancient Buddha statue, believed to have been created during the Khmer era. The villagers hold the belief that it is a sacred object worthy of worship. This belief has been passed down through generations, leading to the establishment of an important tradition held during the Songkran festival every year.
3. The results of the analysis are as follows: 1) the values in the Boon Song Ku tradition are aimed at the consequences of human actions through various behaviors, divided into two categories: external values and intrinsic values. 2) The principles of Buddhist ethics include the principle of karmic determinism. Participating in the tradition with a benevolent and faithful intention results in positive karma. Analyzing according to pragmatic principles reveals that goodness and badness arise from our own actions. 3) There are three levels of objectives: 1) the basic level involves adhering in the framework of the precepts, specifically the Five Precepts, to ensure social peace. 2) The intermediate level involves practicing of the Ten Wholesome Courses of Action, refraining from harming oneself and others, and cultivating a compassionate heart. 3) The advanced level involves self-development based on the principle of wisdom.

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How to Cite
(Chaiya Kaewmafai), P. C. K., (Somchai Phangmuenwai), P. P. ., & Leeka, J. . (2024). An Analysis of Boon Song Ku Tradition at Ban Kluay Temple, Suan Chik Sub-District, Si Somdet District, Roi Et Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 193–206. Retrieved from
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