[SUCCESS IS A JOURNEY]: Conceptual Metaphors on Pantip.com Website
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The research article aimed to analyze metaphorical words reflecting the metaphor concept of success as a journey in Thai according to Lakoff and Johnson's conceptual metaphors. The research applied a qualitative method. The findings were presented by using a descriptive analysis method, and were analyzed by the use of Lakoff and Johnson's conceptual metaphors. The data was collected from 38 chatrooms on Pantip.com website.
The study found: 133 metaphorical statements about success as a journey. The metaphors that appeared had meanings related to travel in 5 characteristics, consisting of travel characteristics, travel places, travel directions, travel distances, and travel routes. The metaphors that appeared were related to travel in 5 ways, which helped to reflect the human thinking system that is connected by having a source domain or a concrete analogy is a journey and a target domain or an abstract analogy that is a success. In addition, the metaphors helped to reflect the characteristics of structural metaphor that could compare the elements of source domains and the elements of target domains in pairs. Furthermore, the metaphors also helped to see the perspectives of language users as Pantip.com website represented the language use of people in today’s society that helped to see the perspectives of people in society that were connected to a success, which is something that everyone strives to achieve, and a journey, which is something that everyone is familiar with and well-understood.
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