An Analysis Four Elements of Empedocles and Theravada Buddhist Philosophy

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Phramaha Paramet Paramissaro (Prapin)
Chakkapan Wongpornpavan
Phrakhru Bhavanabhothikun


The purposes of this research were; 1) to study the quaternary elements of Empedocles, 2) to study the Four Elements of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, 3) to analyze the Four Elements of Empedocles and Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. It is a documentary research. Study data from primary and secondary documents, and also, analyze based on descriptive data in accordance with the inductive principle.
The results are shown as follows:
1. Empedocles' philosophy regarding the first elements It is the first element of all things or the universe. Aiming to explain the four elements, Empedocles had a combination of ideas between the philosophy of Heraclitus and the Aelia School until a new philosophy emerged that all things are both changeable and permanent. The first elements of the world consist of the form of matter combined with the elements of earth, water, air, fire or the four elements.
2. Theravada Buddhist philosophy has arranged the 4 elements in various states of living and non-living things, for example, the earth element is bones etc. The water element is blood, etc. The air element is wind, and the fire element is the warmth of the body and in non-living things such as the earth element, namely Iron, stone etc. The water element includes Drinking water, rivers, etc. The wind element includes wind blowing, etc. The fire element includes fire burning charcoal, etc. The 4 elements follow the laws of nature: they arise, remain, and disappear.
3. In the philosophy of Empedocles, the four elements were united by the power of love and separated by the power of hate. It is a durable substance. When separated, they return to their original elements. In Theravada Buddhist philosophy, the 4 elements are not combined, impermanent, suffering, non-self. The characteristics of the elements are similar. They differ from the philosophy of Empedocles. It was seen that the elements combined and separated were permanent. Theravada Buddhist philosophy there is no combination. According to the rules of the Trinity.

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How to Cite
(Prapin), P. P. P. ., Wongpornpavan , C., & Phrakhru Bhavanabhothikun. (2024). An Analysis Four Elements of Empedocles and Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 201–212. Retrieved from
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