The Development of Teaching and Learning Activities that Enhance the Potential of High-Performance Learners in the Design of STEM Education Activities for Early Children of Teacher Students Surindra Rajabhat University

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Boonleang Thumthong
Chanapat Karmparat
Phongnapha Phromkat
Piyanun Phulsopha


The purposes of this research were 1) Develop teaching activities that promote high-performance learning potential in designing STEM activities for early childhood students, 2) to study the results of the activities and 3) guidelines and suggestions from the developed activities. The sample group were 58 education students by purposive selection. The tools used to collect data are tests, questionnaires, observation forms, and interviews. Data were analyzed by looking for percentages, means, and standard deviations and content analysis.
The finding researches were as follows:
1. Results of operations to develop teaching and learning activities have 5 steps: 1) Orientation step. 2) Understanding 3) Create a new idea 4) Step to apply the concept in real place and 5) the stage of reviewing knowledge and evaluating the results of organizing activities.
2. The average overall achievement score was 10.67 with the highest average overall score of 1.72 percent. The students' overall potential of students to be high-performing learners is at a high level. The students' overall performance in designing STEM education activities was at a high average level.
3. Guidelines and suggestions for developing teaching and learning activities are: Knowledge should be given about designing diverse and appropriate activities for early childhood children because children in educational institutions have differences in how they participate in activities. In teaching and learning, the focus must be on the learners. Instructors must seek guidelines. The clear methods are used to enable learners to be active players or participants in active learning or active participation.

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How to Cite
Thumthong, B., Karmparat, C. ., Phromkat, P. ., & Phulsopha, P. . (2024). The Development of Teaching and Learning Activities that Enhance the Potential of High-Performance Learners in the Design of STEM Education Activities for Early Children of Teacher Students Surindra Rajabhat University. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 45–58. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biographies

Phongnapha Phromkat, Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand



Piyanun Phulsopha, Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand




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