Buddhist Literature in Lanna as Local Oral Traditions; Identity, Development and Value-Adding in New Dimension

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Phramaha Wiset Panyavachiro (Wiset Sorphobdee)
Phrakhrusamu Thanachot Ciradhammo (Thanachot Khurnphech)
Phon Namanee
Songsakdi Promdee


The purposes of this research were 1) analyze the identity and development of Lanna oral traditions of Buddhist literature; 2) analyze the content, principles, and propagation of Buddhism for the new generation, 3) propose an approach for increasing the value and managing Lanna local oral Buddhist literature in a new dimension. It was Mixed-Method Research. The samples consisted of: 1. the sample group who answered the questionnaire was 152 monks and 152 deacons, 2. the interviewee group was 2 monks 2 deacons and 2 academics. Tools used for data collection: 1. Questionnaire, percentage, mean and standard deviation statistics were used to analyze the data, 2. Structured interview form. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis.
The research result finds that:
1. The identity of the Lanna oral language edition of Buddhist literature focuses on the dharma and Buddhist philosophy and has specific features that reflect the beliefs and ways of life of the communities in the North and are adapted according to the local context and community current events.
2. Contents and principles in propagating Buddhism for the new generation should focus on self-dominance, people-dominance, and work-dominance based on the basic principles such as Benjasila, Benjadham, Brahmawiharn, Idthibat, and worldly dharmas.
3. Enhancing the value and management of Lanna local oral Buddhist literature in this new dimension by disseminating religious knowledge and experience to stimulate mental development and good way of life by enhancing understanding and happiness in the lives of the new generation in Thai society and around the world.

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How to Cite
(Wiset Sorphobdee), P. W. P., (Thanachot Khurnphech), P. T. C. ., Namanee, P. ., & Promdee, S. . (2024). Buddhist Literature in Lanna as Local Oral Traditions; Identity, Development and Value-Adding in New Dimension. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 241–252. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/267408
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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