Knowledge Management and Product Development in Karen Weaving using Natural Dyes: A Case Study of Ban Mae Khong Sai, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai Province

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Palinda Ramingwong


The purposes of this research were 1) study the knowledge of fabric dyeing and weaving among Karen women in Ban Mae Khong Sai, 2) manage the knowledge of natural dyeing and weaving among Karen women in Ban Mae Khong Sai, and 3) develop woven fabric products using natural dyes that reflect the community identity of Ban Mae Khong Sai through participatory methods. This participatory action research involved five Karen women selected through purposive sampling. Data collection methods included community context surveys, in-depth interviews, and participatory creative workshops using the Appreciation Influence Control (A-I-C) process.
The research findings are as follows:
1. The knowledge of fabric dyeing and weaving in Ban Mae Khong Sai is deeply embedded and traditionally passed from mothers to daughters. In the past, natural cotton dyes from locally sourced plants were used, but now chemical dyes are preferred for their convenience. The dyed cotton is used to make bags and clothing for personal use and sale.
2. Through Marquardt's five-step knowledge management approach, new knowledge was created. This includes methods for cleaning cotton fibers, enhancing dye quality, using new dyeing materials, identifying the community identity of Ban Mae Khong Sai to develop fabric patterns, and creating logo and story to add value to the products and community. Additionally, a manual was created to document the traditional knowledge of fabric dyeing and weaving for preservation and dissemination.
3. The newly developed products include bags and clothing made from natural dyed fabrics featuring patterns unique to Ban Mae Khong Sai, such as fish, jackfruit leaf, water wave, cross, and Siao flower patterns.

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How to Cite
Ramingwong, P. (2024). Knowledge Management and Product Development in Karen Weaving using Natural Dyes: A Case Study of Ban Mae Khong Sai, Chiang Dao District, Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(3), 311–324. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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