Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Human Resource Management responding to Department of Learning Encouragement of District Learning Encouragement Center in Three Southernmost Provinces

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Fareeda Kasor
Parichat Buacharoen


The research aimed to; 1) explore the relationship of human resource management responding to Department of Learning Encouragement of District Learning Encouragement Center in Three Southernmost Provinces and 2) analyze the confirmatory Factor Analysis of human resource management responding to Department of Learning Encouragement of District Learning Encouragement Center in Three Southernmost Provinces. The target group were school director and supervisor of District Learning Encouragement Centers in the three southernmost provinces, totaling 330 respondents. The research tool was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire and find the content validity value by the Index of item objective congruence: IOC value equal to 0.80-1.00, its reliability was determined by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, resulting in a reliability value of 0.975 for the entire questionnaire. The statistical methods used in the data analysis were Pearson correlation analysis and confirmatory Factor Analysis.
The research found that:
1. The relationship between the components of human resource management responding to Department of Learning Encouragement of District Learning Encouragement Center in Three Southernmost Provinces showed that all seven components were significantly positively correlated at the .01 level. The components with the strongest relationship were Human Resource Development and Training and Performance Evaluation, with a correlation coefficient of .814. The least correlated components were Human Resource and Manpower Planning and Multicultural Personnel Management, with a correlation coefficient of .562.
2. The weights of the variables in the components of human resource management responding to Department of Learning Encouragement of District Learning Encouragement Center in Three Southernmost Provinces were statistically significant at the .01 level. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the Chi-square/Degrees of Freedom ratio was 29.672, Comparative Fit Index was 0.991, Standardized Root Mean Square Residual was 0.007, and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation was 0.072. This implies that the empirical data.

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How to Cite
Kasor , F. ., & Buacharoen, P. . (2024). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Human Resource Management responding to Department of Learning Encouragement of District Learning Encouragement Center in Three Southernmost Provinces. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(1), 171–186. Retrieved from
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