Perception of Democratic Regime with the King as Head of State among the People in the Bangkok Metropolitan and Suburban Area

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Chettha Sapyen
Jitcharoen Sronkwan
Jittree Palakul


The purposes of this research were 1) investigate the level of perception of democracy regime with the King as Head of State among the people in the Bangkok metropolitan and suburban area, 2) compare the level of perception of democracy regime with the King as Head of State of the people in the Bangkok metropolitan and suburban Area, classified by gender and educational level. The people living in the Bangkok metropolitan and suburban area were randomly sampled. The sample size was determined according to Taro Yamane's method, the sample size was 1,134 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.90. The data were analyzed by using percentages, averages, and standard deviations. Two-group independent t-test (independent t-test) and one-way analysis of variance (F-test) and post-hoc tests were performed to determine if there were any pairs that differed by testing for differences in means per pair using Fisher's least significant difference (LSD) method.
Results were as follows:
1. The level of perception of democracy regime with the King as Head of State among the people in the Bangkok metropolitan and suburban area was overall high, both in general and in specific aspects.
2. The results of the comparative analysis of the level of perception of democracy regime with the King as Head of State of the people in the Bangkok metropolitan and suburban area classified by gender indicate no differences. As for each aspect, it was found that the people had respect for the rules of democracy. The behavior of participation and belief in democracy were not different. As for the perception of political information between males and females, there were statistically significant differences at a significance level of 0.05. and when classified by educational level had significant differences at a level of 0.05. Upon consideration of each aspect, it was found that there are specific the people had respect for the rules of democracy and the behavior of participation shows significant differences at a level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Sapyen, C. ., Sronkwan, J. ., & Palakul, J. (2024). Perception of Democratic Regime with the King as Head of State among the People in the Bangkok Metropolitan and Suburban Area. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 15–30. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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