The Perceived Thai Lawyers Success under Work Motivation, Competency and Professional Background

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Trairong Tantasuk
Prayong Meejaisue


The purposes of this research were 1) study the professional background of lawyers that affects their work competency, work motivation and perception of success in the legal profession 2) study of competencies that affect work motivation, perception of success in the professional lawyer 3) study work motivation that affects the perception of success in the legal profession.Research methodology is a mixed method, both quantitative and qualitative. The instrument usedin the research is an in-depth interview with 9 lawyers with recognizedreputations. Quantitatively, a sample of 703 lawyers registered with the Lawyers Council of Thailand was collected using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with a computer program.
The research results found that:
1. Professional background is directly affects to Competency and Work motivation, and Indirect affects to the Perceived lawyer success
2. Competency is directly affects to Work motivation and Perceived lawyer success
3. Work motivation is directly affects to Perceived lawyer success. The value of applying research results was used as a guideline leading to the development of lawyers' competencies towards success in the legal profession. It can be applied as a guideline for developing the lawyer training curriculum of the Royal Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage and for developing the jurisprudence curriculum of educational institutions, as well as a guideline for recognizing the success of other independent professionals.

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How to Cite
Tantasuk, T., & Meejaisue, P. . (2024). The Perceived Thai Lawyers Success under Work Motivation, Competency and Professional Background. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 83–98. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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