Analysis of Processes for Evaluating the Efficiency of Digital Public Services: A Case Study of Non Sa-at Subdistrict Municipality, Nong Bua Lamphu Province

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Krisada Prachumrasee


The purposes of this research were 1) examine and evaluate assess the efficiency of work processes before and after the implementation of integration of digital technologies, and 2) propose strategies for enhancing the digital governance maturity of the Non Sa-at Sub district Municipality, Sri Bun Rueang District, Nong Bua Lamphu Province. This research utilized an exploratory approach, gathering primary data through group interviews with stakeholders from four key sectors: public services, education, procurement, and health. Additionally, secondary data was sourced from system database usage logs. Utilizing a survey research methodology, primary data was collected from officer staffs involved in four key areas: public services, education, procurement, and health, through focus group interviews. Secondary data was gathered from system database usage logs. Content analysis was used for primary data, while ETL procedures were applied to secondary data. The synthesized results were represented in cross-functional diagrams and supported by descriptive statistics. The results were synthesized into cross-functional diagram and complemented by descriptive statistics, including maximum, minimum, frequency, average, and percentage values, to determine the efficiency of each process.
The major findings revealed as follows:
1. The integration of digital technology, namely "Non Sa-at Innovation," significantly enhanced public service efficiency. The Non Sa-at Sub district Municipality's integration of digital technologies, termed 'Non Sa-at Innovation,' significantly enhanced the efficiency of public service delivery. The efficiency of process steps increased by 394.4%, while the time efficiency improved by 515%, while the. Additionally, the average workload per individual person and the associated costs became reduced more efficient by 165.6% and 656.4%, respectively. Bottlenecks were primarily identified in at the assistant clerical officer level, particularly in processes positions responsible for at both departmental and central levels, where document tracking and transfer forwarding were pivotal documents. These issues were addressed by the application of employing digital technology and digital by design concepts to further streamline optimize processes.
2. To elevate to further advance a higher level of digital governance, it is recommended to expand these improvements to other remaining processes within the organization. The substitution of electronic documents for paper, coupled with the promotion of digital, data, and cyber security literacy among staff and citizens, is advisable. This approach aims to ensure a sustainable transition to more comprehensive digital governance.

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How to Cite
Prachumrasee, K. (2024). Analysis of Processes for Evaluating the Efficiency of Digital Public Services: A Case Study of Non Sa-at Subdistrict Municipality, Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 31–44. retrieved from
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