Wisdom Water Resource Management in the upper Siew Yai River Basin

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Phrakhru Suttasarakoson (Phraethong Kaewthongmee)
Theerapong Meethaisong
Chalong Phanchan


The purposes of this research were to study wisdom water resource management in the upper Siew Yai River Basin. It is qualitative research. There are methods for conducting research by studying information from documents and field data, interviews, and group discussions in-depth interview a sample group of 62 persons including participant observation in the upper Siew Yai River Basin community using Descriptive Analysis.
The results of the research found that: The Management of water resources in the upper Siew Yai River Basin by the communities of the upper Siew Yai river basin uses a set of beliefs to manage water resources through a belief capital that is rooted in the belief of ghosts associated with water, where the Grandfather Ghost (Phee Phu Ta). Where the traditional community has built shrines along the river basin from the upstream, midstream and downstream along the upper Siew Yai river basin. It is believed that the ghost of Pu Ta will take conservation of the community and the natural resources within the community. The set of beliefs that is still operating in the consciousness of local people who use water for consumption. Later, it was mixed with the local Buddhist beliefs, resulting in a merit-making ritual that invited the monks to pray for the Buddhist mantra at the dam, called Boon Phai, Including the results received from conversation group the community set of beliefs Ghosts, Brahmins, Buddhists mix interweaving. The Community used the management of water resources in the upper Siew Yai river basin to revive and reproduce at villager the belief in the Ghost of water and ghost town to be compensation ghost these at protects treat and conservation of Siew Yai River Basin resources.

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How to Cite
(Phraethong Kaewthongmee), P. S. ., Meethaisong , T. ., & Phanchan, C. . (2024). Wisdom Water Resource Management in the upper Siew Yai River Basin. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 303–316. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/270835
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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