Integration Theravada Buddhist Philosophy to Strengthen the Family of Thai Woman Marrying Foreigners in Roi Et Province

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Phrakhru Wikromthammathach (Peera Khampeerawaratham)
Sowit Bamrungphak
Sanguan Laphontan


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the concept of strengthening the family, 2) to study the principles of Theravada Buddhist philosophy regarding to strengthening the family, 3) to integrate Theravada Buddhist philosophy to strengthen the families, 4) to present knowledge about Theravada Buddhist philosophy to strengthen the family of Thai women who marry foreigners in Roi Et Province. It is qualitative research. Data were collected from primary and secondary documents and in-depth interviews with 15 peoples. Descriptive analysis was performed using the inductive method.
The research results were as follows:
1. The concept of strengthening the family it is a presentation of the concept that the living together of a married couple with the goal of creating a family with stability in status, and have heirs to carry on the family. Living with honesty. Behave as a good example in five areas: relationships, economics, social, capital, and roles.
2. Theravada Buddhist philosophy regarding strengthening the family includes: 1) the principle of Samjivita (Samsaddha, Samsila, Samcaka, Sampanya), 2) the principle of Kihisuk (Atthisuk, Phoksuk, Ananasuk, and Anavajjasuk), 3) The principle of Bhogavi (1 part for self-sufficiency and benefit, 2 parts for investment, and 1 part kept for use in times of need) 4) Principles of Secular Dhamma (Sajja Dama Khanti Caka).
3. Integrate the four principles of Buddhist philosophy using the following methods: 1) Samjivi Dhamma principle creating the correct vision to develop a strong family. 2) Secular Dhamma principles to strengthen the relationship between married couples; 3) strengthening to the principles of nutrition; 4) strengthening to the management; and 5) strengthening to the principles of happiness; and 6) strengthening to the status of the family.
4. The knowledge gained is the CBB model, which includes C = creating a strong family head, meaning creating a strong family head; B = building strength between people in the family, meaning building strength between people in the family; and B = building and strengthening family status, meaning building and strengthening the family status.

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How to Cite
(Peera Khampeerawaratham) , P. W. ., Bamrungphak, S. ., & Laphontan, S. . (2024). Integration Theravada Buddhist Philosophy to Strengthen the Family of Thai Woman Marrying Foreigners in Roi Et Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 115–126. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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