The Development of Write Summary Ability and Creative Thinking Competency of Grade 7 Students Using the Process Writing with the Graphic Organizer
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The purposes of this research were 1) develop grade 7 students’ write summary ability using the process writing with the graphic organizer. and 2) develop grade 7 students’ creativity thinking competency using the process writing with the graphic organizer. The samples were 42 students in the seven grade 10/1 classroom of the second semester of the academic year 2023, Phorncharaenwittaya school, Bueng Kan Secondary Education Service Area. The research implemented an active learning methodology composed of a cyclic process of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The research instruments used were 1) one-hour the process writing with the graphic organizer lesson plans: 2) reflection instruments consisting of post-lesson assessments and students’ work assessments: and 3) evaluation instruments consisting of write summary ability assessment and a creativity thinking competency assessment. The analytics of the study were 1) in-depth qualitative analysis, analyzing data, interpreting, summarizing, and reporting results in explanation: and 2) quantitative analysis and statistics, representing in average, percentage, and standard deviation.
The results revealed that:
1. Grade 7 students learning with the process writing and the graphic organizer have developed their write summary ability with an average score of 44.62 of the total score of 50, accounting for 85 percent, and 37 students, accounting for 88.10 percent of the students, passed the standard, which is higher than the qualification standard.
2. The students with the process writing and the graphic organizer have improved their creativity thinking competency with an average score of 77.29 of the total score of 100, accounting for 77.29 percent, and 37 students, accounting for 88.10 percent of the students, have passed the standard, which is higher than the qualification standard.
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