The Study Analyzes the Principles of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness in the Development of Lifestyle Behaviors among Students in Grades 4-6 at Ban Khok Lao School, Bayaow Subdistrict, Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province

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Phra Phatphokhin Thitsaro (Phatphokhin Promkhot)
Phrakhru Phawanaphokhun (Somchai Phangmuenwai)
Jaras Leeka
Prayong Saenburan


The purposes of this research were 1) study lifestyle behavior of students in grades 4-6 at Ban Khok Lao School, 2) Study and analyze the principles of Buddhist ethics, Bhavana 4, in developing lifestyle behavior of students in grades 4-6, 3) Propose guidelines for applying the principles of Buddhist ethics, Bhavana 4, in developing lifestyle behavior of students in grades 4-6 at Ban Khok Lao School, it is qualitative research. The research tools used were in-depth interviews. Behavior observation form Key informants included 7 parents, 7 teaching staff and 7 students who analyzed the data.with a descriptive method based on the principle of inductive method.
The research results found that:
1. Lifestyle behavior of students in grades 4-6 at Ban Khok Lao School, includes four aspects of student behavior or expression: 1) responsibility for learning 2) discipline 3) honesty and integrity 4) sacrifice for the public.
2. Principles of Buddhist ethics, Phāna 4, in the development of lifestyle behavior of students in grades 4-6, including Dhamma principles that are principles of conduct to achieve prosperity in life, namely Phāvana 4, consisting of kaipāna, which is the development of the body and precepts. Bhavana is the development of precepts. Citta Bhavana is the development of the mind. Panya Bhavana is the development of wisdom.
3. Proposing guidelines for applying the principles of Buddhist ethics, Bhavana 4, in developing lifestyle behaviors. of students in grades 4-6 at Ban Khok Lao School, Bayao Subdistrict, Wang Sam Mo District Udon Thani Province is to bring the principles of Buddhist ethics, Phawana 4, into use in developing 4 areas as follows: Responsibility Discipline Honesty Sacrifice By organizing Dhamma training activities Pay homage and receive precepts Meditate and spread kindness Pray to prosper to achieve the desired behavior according to the policy of basic education, such as being responsible for learning Follow school discipline. Be honest to yourself and society. There is sacrifice for the duties assigned.

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How to Cite
(Phatphokhin Promkhot), P. P. T. ., (Somchai Phangmuenwai), P. P. ., Leeka, J. ., & Saenburan, P. . (2024). The Study Analyzes the Principles of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness in the Development of Lifestyle Behaviors among Students in Grades 4-6 at Ban Khok Lao School, Bayaow Subdistrict, Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 161–176. Retrieved from
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