Human Resource Development According to Buddhist Philosophy of Khon Kaen City Municipality

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Jiranit Arkanit
Jaras Leeka
Phrakhru Bhavanabodhikun (Somchai Phangmuenwai)


The purposes of this research were 1) study the principles of Buddhist philosophy in human resource development, 2) examine the human resource development according to Buddhist philosophy in Khon Kaen Municipality, 3) analyze the human resource development according to Buddhist philosophy in Khon Kaen Municipality. This study was a qualitative research carried out by studying information from the Tripitaka, documents and related research. There were 35 key informants. The obtained data were analyzed by the descriptive approach based on the inductive method.
The results revealed that:
1. Buddhist Philosophy on Human Resource Development consisting of the Trisikkha, Brahma Vihara, Sangahavatthus as a tool to develop human resources in terms of physical, mental, intellectual and social aspects in order to be human resources that are valuable to the organization in the future.
2. Human resource development of Khon Kaen Municipality consists of physical, mental, intellectual and social aspects to be human resources that skills of the new future are consistent with the cooperation for learning skills in the 21st century potential to compete in the global society.
3. Human resource development according to the Buddhist philosophy of Khon Kaen Municipality with the following forms: 1) Physical human resource development with the threefold principle for physical and verbal self-reliance; 3) Human resource development in the intellectual aspect with wisdom (Sammadtthi) for mental self-reliance in administration happy together.

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How to Cite
Arkanit, J. ., Leeka, J. ., & (Somchai Phangmuenwai), P. B. (2024). Human Resource Development According to Buddhist Philosophy of Khon Kaen City Municipality. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(4), 307–318. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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