Strategies for Enhancing Buddhist Integration in Anti-Corruption for Children and Youth in Khon Kaen Province

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Phrakhrupalad Thawee Abhayo (Thawee Khaimanee)
Phrakhru Wutthidhammasarn (Surawut Sangmano)
Saengatit Thaimit
Phramaha Makawin Purisuttamo (Makawin Armartmonthree)


The purposes of this research were 1) study and analyze anti-corruption efforts for children and youth in Khon Kaen Province; 2) develop strategies for enhancing Buddhist integration in anti-corruption for children and youth in Khon Kaen province; and 3) convey strategies for enhancing Buddhist integration in anti-corruption for children and youth in Khon Kaen province. This mixed-method research utilizes quantitative, qualitative, and experimental approaches. The participants are 231 children and youth from Khon Kaen province. The tools used include questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis employed frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and a One Group Pretest-Posttest Design experiment using t-test (dependent samples) and content analysis.
The results revealed that:
1. The level of behavior in using Buddhist-integrated anti-corruption strategies among children and youth in Khon Kaen is at a good level. This includes creating a society intolerant of corruption based on a sense of shame, enhancing political will for anti-corruption through correct practices without violating regulations, preventing policy-based corruption through proper conduct, proactively developing anti-corruption prevention systems grounded in a sense of shame, and reforming anti-corruption mechanisms and processes through correct practices without violating regulations.
2. The overall strategy for anti-corruption among children and youth in Khon Kaen, in both aspects, is at a high level. This includes the strategy of instilling a Thai-based anti-corruption consciousness and the strategy of enhancing anti-corruption knowledge and understanding through education.
3. The overall test of using integrated Buddhist anti-corruption strategies for children and youth in Khon Kaen Province before and after the experiment showed a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
(Thawee Khaimanee), P. T. A. ., (Surawut Sangmano), P. W. ., Thaimit, S. ., & (Makawin Armartmonthree), P. M. P. . (2024). Strategies for Enhancing Buddhist Integration in Anti-Corruption for Children and Youth in Khon Kaen Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(4), 173–186. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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