A Development Model for Entrepreneurial Leadership of Private School Administrators under the Regional Education Office 12
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The purposes of this research were 1) investigate the components and indicators of entrepreneurial leadership among school administrators, 2) examine the current, desired, and necessary states of these components, and 3) develop a model for their enhancement. This study employed a mixed-methods research design and was conducted in three phases: 1) a literature review to identify components, with evaluation by seven experts; 2) an analysis of the current and desired states with a stratified random sample of 353 respondents; and 3) model development and evaluation by nine experts using connoisseurship techniques. All research instruments achieved an Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) of 1.00. Data were analyzed using content analysis, descriptive statistics, means, standard deviations, and a priority need index.
The results revealed that:
1. There were 4 components with 13 indicators for entrepreneurial leadership: 1) Vision with three indicators, 2) Risk-Taking with three indicators, 3) Creativity Thinking with four indicators, and 4) Inspiration with three indicators.
2. Overall, the current state was at a moderate level, while the desired state was at the highest level. The highest need was for Creativity Thinking.
3. The developed model included four learning modules: 1) Vision, 2) Risk-Taking, 3) Creativity Thinking, and 4) Inspiration. The model's five elements were conceptual principles, objectives, procedures, evaluation, and success conditions. The model's appropriateness, feasibility, and utility were rated at the highest level.
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