A Study of Form and Value of Logical Rationality in Dhamma Teaching of the Northeastern Buddhist Monks Influenced to the Public Faith

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พระครูปริยัติวิสุทธิคุณ (ประจักษ์)
บรรจง โสดาดี
ทวีศักดิ์ ทองทิพย์
วาสนา แก้วหล้า


The objectives of this research were to study development of Buddhist meditation center, form of rationality in Dhamma teaching, and value of reasoning in Dhamma teaching of the Northeastern Buddhist monks influenced to the public faith. It was the qualitative research. The results were found as follows:
The meditation practice was derived from the Buddha’s time. After the Buddha’s time, it became in the form of both Vipassanadhura (the burden of contemplation) and Ganthadhura (the burden of studying the Buddhist scriptures). In Thailand, since Sukhothai Period onwards, there were two forms of Buddhism i.e. the Gamavasi Group emphasized on Ganthadhura (the burden of studying the Buddhist scriptures), and the Arannavasi Group emphasized on Vipassanadhura (the burden of contemplation). In the middle Rattanakosin Period, there were various Buddhist meditation centers such as Bhavana Buddho meditation center, Pong Hno Yub Hno meditation center, etc. In the Northeast part of Thailand, the development of Buddhist meditation center was arisen by Luang Pu Sao Kantasilo and Luang Pu Mun Phuridatto of Ubon Ratchathani Province. They traveled for an ascetic practice from place to place around the mountains and taught their followers to realize those truths. By this way, it brought out the form of forest temple such as Wat Nong Pah Pong of Luang Por Chah Subhaddho who was the follower of Luang Pu Mun. He developed his temple to the leading Buddhist meditation center emphasized on mixing with the nature, self-practice, getting along with the Dhamma-vinaya rules for the highest Buddhist ideal. At the present time, the Buddhist meditation by way of Luang Pu Mun and Luang Por Chah was accepted nationwide and extended to the foreign countries.

There are various approaches of teaching in the West i.e. Essentialism, Perennialism, and Progressivism, etc. Each approach has got its own strength and weakness. The approach of teaching in Buddhism was originated by the Buddha educated the Sangha and was accepted as the greatest teacher of teachers. His approach of teaching was forwarded to the Sangha, then to the Buddhist temples and at last to the present educational institutions. The approach of teaching in Buddhism began with right view and followed by the process of training human beings called the principle of Threefold Training (Tri Sikkha) i.e. training in higher morality, training in higher mentality, and training in higher wisdom, and evaluated with the principle of Development (Bhavana) i.e. physical development, moral development, emotional development, and wisdom development. In terms of the Buddhist logics, the reasoning was usually used in Buddhism to propagate, to protect Buddhism, and to bring human beings to attain the Buddha-dhamma. The use of reasoning in the level of Sutamaya-panna (wisdom resulting from study) and Cintamaya-panna (wisdom resulting from reflection) could not bring human beings to attain the Buddhist highest truth, but the only Bhavanamaya-panna (wisdom resulting from mental development). The forms of using reasoning in Dhamma teaching of Luang Pu Mun Phuridatto and Luang Por Chah Subhaddho can be divided into five forms i.e. deductive, inductive, comparative, Patipatti Bhavana (development by practice), and Yonisomanasikara (analytical reflection). The Yonisomanasikara can be subdivided into investigation, analysis, common characteristics, the Four Noble Truths, relative truths, knowing its advantage, disadvantage, and solution, knowing genuine and artificial virtues, wholesome exciting, being with the present moment, and identification.

In term of the values of reasoning of Luang Pu Mun Bhuridatto and Luang Por Chah Subhaddo, it was found that they applied the deductive, inductive, and analytic reasoning to create the people’ faith and propagate Buddha-dhamma; emphasizing the Sutamaya-panna and Cintamaya-panna; using investigation, analysis, common characteristics, Noble Truths, relative truths, knowing its advantage, disadvantage, and solution, knowing genuine and artificial values, wholesome exciting, being with the present moment, and Patipatti Bhavana for the sakes of getting wisdom, freeing from ignorance, craving, attachment which were the Bhavanamaya-panna. By using the mentioned reasoning, it brought out the five values, they were as follows; wisdom value i.e. having the right view, knowing the world and lives, being aware of changing, and being free from the unwholesome; mental value i.e. having mental stability, strength, pureness, calmness, and being happy in life; practical value i.e. having ability in the management of physical surroundings and having the right attitude to the material surroundings; economic value i.e. having the right management to the production and consumption; social value i.e. having the right relationship with the fellowmen and creatures, unselfishness, and ready to build the good society.






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(ประจักษ์) พ. ., โสดาดี บ. ., ทองทิพย์ ท. . ., & แก้วหล้า ว. (2021). A Study of Form and Value of Logical Rationality in Dhamma Teaching of the Northeastern Buddhist Monks Influenced to the Public Faith. Mahachulagajasara Journal, 8(1), 44–54. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gajasara/article/view/252636
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