Publication Ethics

Duties of Authors
1. The author assures that the work is contemporary and has never been published in any
publication before and/or is stated clearly that the work is an improvement of a previous work.
2. The author must report the details of the research without distorting or falsifying the information.
3. The author must refer to the works of other authors, if those works are being used in the author’s
work, including the reference at the conclusion of the article.
4. The author must write the article accordingly to the “Guidelines for Article Submission for
Publication” standard of the Journal of Anthropology.
5. All authors mentioned in the article must have had actual participation in the research.
6. The author must state the source of funding for the research.
7. The author must state the conflict of interest (if applicable).
8. The author must have Human Research Ethics in the case that relates with the rules for distinguishing between right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable behavior (if applicable).

Duties of Editors
1. The editor has the responsibility to consider the quality of the article to be published in the journal
that they are responsible for.
2. The editor must not disclose the information of the author and reviewer to nonaffiliated persons
during the duration of assessment of the article.
3. The editor must determine the article for publication after the assessment process, by determining
the significance, uniqueness, clarity and consistency of the article to the journal’s policies.
4. The editor must not publish the article that has been published by other publications.
5. The editor must not decline the publication of the article based on doubt and uncertainty, the
editor must find confirmation to clarify the skepticism first.
6. The editor must not have a conflict of interest with the authors, reviewers and the management
7. If the assessment process discovers that the work is suspected of plagiarism, the editor must halt
the process and contact the main author immediately for clarification, whether to “accept” or
“decline” the publication of the article.
8. The editor must assess the work for plagiarism with a reliable program, ensuring that the article
published in the journal is not suspected for plagiarism.

Duties of Reviewers
1. The reviewer must keep the contents of the submitted article confidential from nonaffiliated
persons during the duration of the confidentiality process.
2. After the reviewer has received the article from the editor and realizes that the reviewer has a
conflict of interest with the author, such as, is a project member or personally knows the author or
other reasons that the reviewer could not comment or give advice on the article independently, the
reviewer must notify the editor and decline the assessment of the article.
3. The reviewer must assess the article in the field of study that he/she is specialized in, by assessing
the significance of the contents of the article to his/her related field, quality of analyzation and the
concentration of work, and the reviewer must not use personal conclusions that do not have data to
support the criteria for assessing the article.
4. The reviewer must specify notable and related research studies that the author did not included in
the article that is being assessed. In addition, if there are segments of the article that are similar or
duplicate to other works, the reviewer must notify the editor.