A Reflection on Public Anthropology of Homeless People

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ฺฺBoonlert Visetpricha


This article supports an important anthropological trend found abroad, namely, public anthropology. Public anthropology urges anthropologists to go beyond purely academic pursuits by engaging in efforts to address social issues. In this view, anthropologists should demonstrate how anthropological knowledge can contribute to the public sphere and benefit the communities they work with. The article is comprised of four parts. The first part briefly reviews works and debates about public anthropology over the last 20 years since Robert Borofsky began the effort (Borofsky, 2000). Then it will discuss public anthropology outside of Thailand, which contributes to our understanding of the issue of homelessness issues in two important aspects. The first aspect refers to educating the public. Ethnographies on homelessness significantly reduce negative attitudes toward homeless people and provide new frameworks for the public to understand homelessness. The second aspect is about advocacy around homeless people’s rights. In the third part, the author synthesizes and reflects on his own experiences both as an ethnographer and supporter of a homeless people’s organization in Bangkok from 2001-2003. This period was a starting point of both a change in public understandings about homeless people and the homeless people’s movement. The last part will address issues and roles which anthropologists can play to advocate for homeless people.

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How to Cite
Visetpricha ฺ. (2021). A Reflection on Public Anthropology of Homeless People. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 4(2), 12–52. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasac/article/view/247061
Academic Article


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